In my practice I am interested in the way my clients wish to live.
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be the voice that would be missed

Something I read this morning keeps rolling round my head. From Seth Godin “You can race to be first on a new platform, but it’s far better to be the voice that we would miss if you weren’t there.”

He was talking about technology and marketing. I am thinking about design, and actually, life.

I see people all around me trying to keep up with the latest. I mostly draw on yellow trace with a black fineliner. And never bought into the struggle to keep current. The way I work will not be for everyone. But for some people what I offer is a different way of thinking, and for them that is more important than the latest. I hope my clients will live within my designs for years - decades - so the point in time they were created is of little importance. Ignore the clutter of the ‘now’. Follow your unique voice.

Alison binks